Friday, October 10, 2014

Baby Steps

I want to write more. I love to write, it is my favorite method of self expression, and I think in a rough and raw kind of way, I am pretty good at it. There are only a couple of obstacles standing in my way.

1. I have this odd need to write with pen and paper. I will scribble in notebooks, on scratch paper, and on sticky notes all day. But when comes down to typing on a keyboard, writing suddenly becomes a chore. I guess I feel like I loose the artistic aspect of it because my thoughts and my creativity on not being directly translated through my fingers. I feel like something is lost when my penmanship is not there to accompany the idea. And let's face it, I have a desk job. Typing on a keyboard is a requirement for 8 hours out of every workday in my life. I do not associate typing with creativity in the least bit. But typing is a big part of the modern age and the only way I am going to be able to share my writing with others, so it is time to rethink what computer writing means to me and figure out a way to make it more pleasant and relaxing. Maybe if I changed the font according to my tone, that could do the trick. A theory I look forward to testing.

2. My thoughts tend to run away as I'm writing. And by the time that I've realized what has happened, they are lost. I try to retrace my steps, but the trail of jumbled sentences and half explored paths is too hard to follow. That's when I give up. It is easier to scrap that piece than try to turn it into the well thought out story I set out to create. In addition to getting lost in my writing, I also don't allow myself the right amount of time to complete it. I spend an hour writing in circles, then realize  I've used all my writing free time to make an indecipherable mess instead of a master piece. Since I never feel like coming back to an old thought, I never finish what I was working on. Writing is great, but if I really want to be good at it and get some kind of point across, I need to put a little bit more effort into planning it. With a good plan in place, it will be easier to trace my steps back to the original idea I sat down to communicate. And I can actually reach the end of a passage with time to spare, or edit!

So there it is, the challenges I need to overcome to accomplish my goal of writing more often and with purpose and in a place where others can see. This was my first attempt. A small sample of organized thought, typed on a computer without any complaints. I think I did well and I hope this piece serves as a reminder of what I can do, if I put my mind to it.

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