Monday, July 11, 2011

First Day Fasting

I woke up at 9am hangover free and happy as can be. The next step was picking up Jackie and hitting up the produce section of the local grocery store. We got tomatoes, spinach, celery, cucumbers, apples, oranges, pineapples, raspberries, and lemons. I felt like a flower child in the truest sense. Then it was time to juice! First glass went exceptionally well, the second quite the opposite, and the third was just plain hard to swallow.

Now, how am I feeling? I just made it through day 1. It has officially 19 hours since I had anything but fruit juice and water. All I can say is.. not bad. Not good. But not bad. It's been tough, but I've been through tougher. The hunger pain is not overwhelming, and is usually satiated by one of my juice concoctions. Work wasn't too difficult, and I haven't bitten anyone's head off in a hunger driven rage (that was what I was anticipating at least). The end of my day was by far the hardest. My lovely co-juicer bailed on our evening plans to hang out with her friends, a frustrating let down. My mother was making some fantastic foods in the kitchen, which was a miracle because she NEVER cooks anymore. And I was feeling tired, woozy, and weak. But I managed to choke down the last glass of juice, and let myself be driven home to bed and movie. Thank goodness for Dom, my unwavering support group for the day. I needed someone to listen to my griping, as well as keep positive, so that I could keep positive. He also drove me home, and was the perfect replacement for in sister's absence. He doesn't know it yet, but I am going to lock him in my room for the next 10 days that way he's right there whenever I need a cheer leader.

I will conclude with my outlook for the future. Tomorrow is going to kick my ass. But I am up for the challenge. I will eventually perfect my juice drinks to a point of tolerable tastiness. I will use my downtime to catch up on all of the me-time activities that I neglect so often. I have to finish paint by numbers, catch up on like three newspapers. And for heaven's sake clean my f-ing room already. I'm riding on this feeling of accomplishment. I made it one day, I can make it two days. And I will be happy I did in the end. At the very least, I will have a renewed appreciation for food!

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